STRANGE WINDOW: The Turn of the Screw (2017-2018)

A new interpretation of the gothic ghost story, Strange Window creates a stage experience that mirrors the seductive ambiguity of the original chilling tale: Are ghosts real? Is the governess mad? And what terrors—sexual, violent, projected, displaced or denied—are enacted along the way? On stage a governess alone with two children tells her story, deploying the actors and media wizardry of The Builders Association to create the world of her memory, defending her sanity, while holding the audience in her candlelit spell.

It is a tale for our time, in which the fabric of reality is contested and ‘truth’ has become one option among many. Henry James’s world of close observation and psychological nuance is performed, reflecting and refracting the great old house, the children, and the apparitions seen or unseen.

“I remember the whole beginning as a succession of flights and drops…”

STRANGE WINDOW: The Turn of the Screw (2017-2018)